Parents need coaching?I'm 40 years old and I've 2 children: 4 and 8. My daughter, Victoria is 4 and Samuel is 8 (Pri 2). My Homepage explains a little about my sports background and my current business. Being a parent myself, I'm very passionate about the process of parenting, after all, we chat with friends/fellow moms about our kids, almost all the time, isn't it? 'Most' of us are interested in parenting and want to learn how to bring up our children to be self-motivated individuals, compassionate, independent, brave, kind and (hopefully-don't we all?) succeed in life. Nope, I'm not referring to becoming a 'kiasu' and 'kiasi' parent, neither do I completely embrace the other extreme school of thought of the 'western' way is the only adventurous and cool way. We must never forget our asian and chinese culture and roots yet we must continually widen our minds and teach our children to be fearless, yet disciplined (typical chinese) and empathetic! We focus on good character development and once that's taken care of, the rest will take care of itself. My parenting method is simply one that moves us forward in this clash of civilisations, between east and west, tradition and modernity. Note that modernity does not mean total freedom.
The parents who know that they have questions to ask are on the right track. Those who think they have it all but their kids are not heading in the right track, are in trouble themselves. It's all down to understand how to parent our children in the most holistic way via unstructured play, sports, art/culture, travelling and the mundane everyday moments. Finding 'Teachable Moments' are not hard, one needs to learn to recognise one. One of the most common things I've heard parents ask is how can they help to make their child self-motivated? Or you're a parent and you're tired, need a little 'lift-me-up' chat over coffee, energy-infuser session and re-discover your purpose in parenting again? Or via emails, chats etc...
What Can I Do For You?
I'm available for Sharing sessions, Seminars/Talks and Discussion sessions, presenting with Powerpoint and videos. Or "encouragement chats" over coffee, emails and texts...
I'm available for Sharing sessions, Seminars/Talks and Discussion sessions, presenting with Powerpoint and videos. Or "encouragement chats" over coffee, emails and texts...